Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Review of Ashton Coal Water Management Plan Term Paper

Review of Ashton Coal Water Management Plan - Term Paper Example It is the Department of Primary Industries and Water which typically formulates as well as executes an effectual water management plan. However, it is mandatory for this particular department to sanction an application from a Water Entity for the purpose of taking over the execution of the plan (DPIPWE, n.d.). An effective water management plan possesses certain imperative functions. These functions comprise determining water pricing, complying with financial regulations, conducting perfect water planning along with management, identifying water markets, developing water supply as well as allied services and most importantly advancing appropriate management of water quality. It is the accountability of different water authorities, governmental agencies and water utilities to ensure smoothly execution of an effective plan of water management (NWMS, 2012). An effective water management plan is quite indispensable in order to preserve environmental integrity by forming an appropriate ba lance between various important aspects like sustainable advancement, socio-economic development and healthy along with secured environment (Department of Water Affairs and Forestry, 2007). It has been apparently observed that the conception of an effective water management plan is practiced for several years with the intention of fostering sustainable development and healthy environment. The framework associated with the plan of water management has been principally based upon enlarged understanding about environmental complexities and future challenges linked with socio-economic development. According to the frameworks associated with the plan of water planning, it has been viewed that the plan can be applied to different water bodies that encompass rivers, streams, wetlands, aquifers and lakes. Any individual can introduce as well as develop an effective planning related to water management but must follow the frameworks with the intention of fostering socio-economic advancement and sustainable development (Grafton & Hussey, n.d.). In this similar circumstance, it is to be stated that the frameworks linked with effective planning of water management would be reviewed after every five years ensuring that the plan continues to endorse prolonged water management. Specially mentioning, the prime objectives of an effectual planning of water management are to deliver long-term benefits to the community and most significantly to foster sustainable advancement along with socio-economic development. After acquiring a brief idea about the prime intentions of an effectual water management plan, it can broadly be affirmed that the aspect concerning effective planning of water management has broader scope in future targeting towards developing the environment at large (Alberta Environment, n.d.). With this concern, this paper intends to conduct an in-depth review of Water Management Plan relating to Ashton Coal. Moreover, after conducting thorough review of different fa cets contained in the plan, the plan would be passed or not will also be discussed in this paper. A Brief Overview of Ashton Coal Water Management Plan Ashton Coal Operations Pty Limited which is prevalently acknowledged as ACOL is fundamentally regarded as a completely-owned ancillary of Yancoal Australia Limited (Yancoal). It is essentially a coalmine which operates the Ashton Coal Project (ACP) that is located in the

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Comparing Mozambique and South Africas Demographics

Comparing Mozambique and South Africas Demographics Period Live births per year Deaths per year Natural Increase per year Crude Birth Rate (per 1,000 per year) Crude Death Rate (per 1,000 per year) Natural Increase (per 1,000 per year) Total Fertility Rate (over avge womans life) Infant Mortality Rate (per 100,000 live births) 1950–1955 629 000 295 000 + 334 000 43.3 20.3 + 23.0 6.50 96 1955–1960 697 000 297 000 + 400 000 42.5 18.1 + 24.4 6.50 91 1960–1965 774 000 310 000 + 464 000 41.6 16.7 + 25.0 6.30 87 1965–1970 808 000 312 000 + 496 000 38.2 14.7 + 23.5 5.70 84 1970–1975 909 000 317 000 + 592 000 37.7 13.1 + 24.6 5.47 77 1975–1980 980 000 319 000 + 661 000 35.8 11.7 + 24.1 5.00 71 1980–1985 1 052 000 307 000 + 745 000 33.9 9.9 + 24.0 4.56 61 1985–1990 1 086 000 299 000 + 787 000 31.1 8.6 + 22.5 4.00 53 1990–1995 1 073 000 332 000 + 742 000 27.5 8.5 + 19.0 3.34 51 1995–2000 1 082 000 450 000 + 632 000 25.1 10.4 + 14.7 2.95 56 2000–2005 1 111 000 645 000 + 466 000 24.0 13.9 + 10.1 2.80 59 2005–2010 1 074 000 746 000 + 328 000 21.9 15.2 + 6.7 2.55 55 In the table we can see the increase in population per year on average for 5 year spans Mozambique Period Live births per year Deaths per year Natural change per year CBR* CDR* NC* TFR* IMR* 1950-1955 331 000 220 000 111 000 49.4 32.8 16.5 6.60 220 1955-1960 359 000 219 000 140 000 49.1 30.0 19.1 6.60 201 1960-1965 392 000 222 000 170 000 48.6 27.5 21.1 6.60 185 1965-1970 430 000 230 000 201 000 48.0 25.6 22.4 6.60 172 1970-1975 474 000 236 000 238 000 47.2 23.5 23.7 6.58 158 1975-1980 534 000 247 000 288 000 46.9 21.7 25.3 6.53 146 1980-1985 584 000 272 000 313 000 45.9 21.3 24.5 6.44 143 1985-1990 586 000 283 000 302 000 43.6 21.1 22.5 6.33 143 1990-1995 640 000 293 000 347 000 43.4 19.9 23.6 6.12 134 1995-2000 739 000 301 000 438 000 43.3 17.6 25.7 5.85 115 2000-2005 844 000 326 000 518 000 43.3 16.7 26.6 5.52 99 2005-2010 869 000 341 000 528 000 39.4 15.4 23.9 5.11 88 *CBR = crude birth rate (per 1000); CDR = crude death rate (per 1000); NC = natural change (per 1000); IMR = infant mortality rate per 1000 births; TFR = total fertility rate (number of children per woman) Mozambique Loss of natural habitat About 80% of Mozambique’s population live in rural areas and depend on wood for cooking and for heating of water for domestic use, space heating and drying of foodstuffs.1This reliance on trees could spell disaster should population levels rise. Mangroves are being removed and converted into rice farms and salt pans, aquaculture and housing. Further offshore, corals are subjected to destructive fishing practices (e.g. use of fine mesh nets and dynamite). Â © WWF Illegal and unsustainable wildlife use, and human wildlife conflict In Mozambique like elsewhere in Africa and Asia, habitat loss is causing humans and wildlife to share increasingly smaller living spaces. Both sides are losing in the conflicts that ensue, such as in and around the Delta of the Zambezi River. There, crocodiles and hippos are coming face to face with humans increasingly often, while poaching and other illegal activities put species in jeopardy. In some places, such as Quirimbas National Park, there are concerns that current levels of resource use – e.g. sand oysters may not be sustainable, and are already leading to diminishing harvests of fish and other resources. For local people, this means reduced incomes and increased poverty in the long run. Pollution Off Mozambique’s coast, tankers carrying crude oil from the Arabian Gulf have resulted in contamination of the sea from spills and discharge of polluted ballast waters. In urban settings, rural sewage treatment is inadequate, exposing people to potential outbreaks of disease. Agriculture Poor farming practices and deforestation contribute to sedimentation of rivers that run to the sea, degrading seagrasses and coral reefs South Africa Water is perhaps South Africas most critical resource one of low abundance and growing needs. Tie that with problems of increased land use and population growth and you have several big reasons for concern. Lack of water South Africas freshwater supply is almost stretched to its limit. Less than 10% of South Africa’s rainfall is available as surface water, one of the lowest conversion ratios in the world. The country’s groundwater resources are equally limited. Despite regulations of river waters, in many catchments the need for water exceeds the supply and quality is often below standards. Given the projected growth in population and economic development, South Africa faces tough times in meeting water demands in the decades ahead. The shortfall in freshwater is tied to growing demands, but also to other issues such as loss of natural habitat and potentially climate change. Â © WWF-Canon / John E. NEWBY Destruction of natural habitats The land of the fine-leaved plants, the South African Fynbos, is one of the world’s most impressive botanical kingdoms a mind-boggling variety of plants that is richer than any other comparable sized area in Africa. An estimated 8,500 species of vascular plants, of which 70% are endemic (they are found nowhere else in the world), are reported here. But because the area has been heavily settled for several centuries, large swathes of natural vegetation, particularly in the lowlands, have been cleared for agriculture and urban development. Similar problems face the Namib-Karoo-Kaokeveld desert, a very distinctive and floristically rich ecoregion with highly diverse endemic plant communities. Here, poor land management, conversion of marginal lands for cultivation, dam construction, mining, and illegal extraction of selected succulents for black market trade, pose a suite of threats. Â © WWF Overfishing Along the West Coast of South Africa, there is persistent overharvesting of many commercially valuable species and products such as pilchard, anchovy and rock lobster. Further at sea, some fish stocks have been over-harvested, and several species face local extinction. These dangerous trends follow improvements of fishing methods, increase in fishing effort and the establishment of fishing industries. Introduction of exotic species South Africas natural habitats are being colonized by alien species at great rates. Introduced species, particularly North American gamefishes such as largemouth bass and smallmouth bass, are pushing out indigenous species and threaten to lead some of them to extinction. Pollution A high level of traffic associated with crude oil transport from the Arabian Gulf has resulted in contamination from tankers spills and discharge of polluted ballast waters. Reference List

Friday, October 25, 2019

The Concept Of Power In Politics Essay examples -- essays research pap

The Meaning of Power   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The instrumental character of power is that of a â€Å"means to an end.† It includes the tools, resources, and abilities used to pursue goals. The meaning of power and its role in politics is understood first with a background of its dual nature. De jure refers to the theory of power. The concept of â€Å"absolute power,† considers tangible factors. When comparing nations’ power, money and gross national product are units of measure; the United States is more powerful than Mexico. Army size and strength are also measurable. World powers, such as the U.S., Britain, and Japan, defeat countries with smaller, weaker armies. From an objective standpoint, tangible assets make a country a world power. But world powers and their leaders also possess intangible qualities. De facto is the subjective aspect of power that is immeasurable. Charisma, such as that of Mahatma Ghandi and Martin Luther King, could not be described, but made them successful leaders. The â€Å"will to win† or morale of people, especially athletes, is power. De facto power is continually changing because of the relative character of power, to time, situation, and contending parties. When power is applied in interaction with contending parties, the situational factors of power and politics come into play. Power is initially proven in a political situation through credibility. The opposing party’s belief that you have power and will use it makes them take you seriously. I...

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Who Inspires Me

Who Inspires Me? Seth has inspired me since the day we met. He is an amazing person and he has influenced me in a great way. He is sweet, loving, and caring. Seth is the kind of person that cares about everyone. He puts everyone before himself. Like the time I came home from school and I was really upset because something had happened. When I called Seth and told him what had happened he got really mad but, he hid the fact that he hid the fact that he was mad so I wouldn’t get upset. Seth loves everyone. The day we first met he came up and hugged me like I have known him my entire life. Seth doesn’t let the bad times get to him. He has had to deal with a lot of bad stuff in his life, but he still wakes up every morning with a smile on his face. Seth makes the best of everything. Seth knows how it feels to be upset because it is an often feeling for him, but even though he is upset h will put a smile on his face and act like nothing is wrong because he lives every day as if it were his last. Seth is an extremely funny person. He can make you laugh at the worst of times. Seth always has good advice. He always knows what to say to make you feel better. When I am around Seth it is nearly impossible for me to be upset. These are the reasons why in my eyes Seth is the most amazing boyfriend, brother, and friend. He is one of the most influential people in mylife.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Brief History of BMW Essay

BMW began making its mark on history almost 90 years ago. Aircraft engines were the first thing to be produced followed by bikes and then cars – these vehicles also have been setting milestones in the area of motorsport from the very start. We can establish BMW roots back well over 100 years, to December 3, 1896. That date marked the formation of Wartburg works in Eisenach, the BMW manufacturing center for all cars made from 1928 to 1940. From that site and Wartburg’s numerous alliance before being sold to BMW in 1928 stretched activites as diverse as saucepan manufactured, powered mountain bikes, and the brake company. The car-construction tale of the Eisenach arm is the subject of a sub-sequent chapter. ( Airborne Excellence- page 5) However, basics of the heartland Munich-based company arrived in 1916 when the two airplane-engine manufacturing workshop Gustav Rau GmbH and Rapp Motorenwerken GmbH) were subject to takeovers and closures that resulted in the March 7, 1916 registration of Bayerische Flugzeugwerke AG (BFW). Its purpose as stated in the Munich Register of Companies â€Å"the manufacture and commercial distribution of airplanes and any related machinery, equipment and other objects, and further, in the pursuit of this purpose, the founding of other enterprises in any legally permissible form, or participation therein, and also the running of companies of any sort†. When Franz-Joseph Popp took over Karl Rapp as the new managing director on 5 October of 1917, he register the company as the Bayerische Motoren Werke GmbH. At the same time Poppo registered the company’s trademark, which still remains today- the stylized whirl of a rotating propeller surmounted by the letters BMW. (Achievements in White and Blue BMW in Retrospect- page 8) In 1917, BMW’s first aircraft engine was produced, the 6 cylinder Type IIIa. In 1919 using an aircraft powered by its successor, the Type IV, Franz Zeno Diemer set an altitude record of 9,760 metres. After WW1 BMW turned all kinds of activities, including shoe-making, to survive, But Popp and Friz were engineers, first and foremost, and there was no doubt that BMW would return to aero engine manufacture. (Motorcycle Marvels- Chapter2). In 1923 they enter the motorcycle production as a result. The motorcycle, the R 32 produced 8. 5 horsepower at 3300rpm from its flat-twin engine. The 2-cylinder 494cc motorcycle could reach a top speed of 59mph. 090 of them were manufactured during its three year life span. It was 1928 that made history in terms of the BMW car. BMW buys the Eisenach automobile plant, where the Austin Seven was successfully produced under the name â€Å"Dixi 3/15 PS†. Later it rebadged them to DA2. Which further went on to become a BMW – going on sale in 1929 as the BMW 3/15 PS DA 2 with a range of different body shells. A small car with a lot of appeal, its popularity helped the company to survive the lean years of the Depression. By 1932 BMW’s first â€Å"real† car (AM 4) went into production, this model was the successor of the Dixi and the first production car to be built totally in house by BMW. The model had a 50 mph top speed, 4 cylinder engine with suspension valves and double driving camshafts. In 1936 a sporting legend was born when the BMW 328 went on to win at the nuburging, which was basically the fastest standard-production 2-liter sports car. It went on to win over 120 other race between 1936 and 1940. BMW became a priority target during World War 2 and reaped a terrible reward for its famous aero engine and military prowess. The BMW factory at Munich was totally devastated after the War. The first post war model, the V8 equipped 501 luxury sedan produced in 1951 was a poor production choice for a country that was also devastated by the war. Demand was low and the 501 did not even com e close to meeting BMW’s expectations. So in a tightrope act between two extremes, to prevent the company bleeding to death at the top end of the automobile market, BMW’s policy was to introduce mini cars at the other end of the market. The BMW Isetta finally won the hearts of the public. Just 2. 29 m long, the company obtains the licence to build the motocoupe from ISO in Italy. Powered by a 12 or 13 hp BMW motorcycle engine. Over 160,000 people bought an Isetta in the Fifties, making it the best-selling BMW of the decade and a symbol for the boom years after the war.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

The eNotes Blog Octobers Teachers Corner Column How To Be Proactive and OrganizedYear-Round

Octobers Teachers Corner Column How To Be Proactive and OrganizedYear-Round Teacher’s Corner is a monthly newsletter from just for teachers. In it, experienced educator and contributor Susan Hurn shares her tips, tricks, and insight into  the world of teaching. Check out this month’s Teacher’s Corner column below, or sign up to receive the complete newsletter in your inbox at . Whether you’re a new teacher or a classroom veteran, the school year can feel overwhelming, more so than ever since the demands of standards-based testing and professional development have grown increasingly complex and time consuming. Teaching now seems to require holding down two jobs at once: teaching kids with one hand and meeting a plethora of administrative mandates with the other. It’s tough to carry such a load day after day without sinking under the weight. According to the old proverb, â€Å"A stitch in time saves nine.† It’s true, and it’s still good advice. Being proactive takes a little time, but it saves a lot of work and heads off problems, making a difficult year more manageable and less stressful. Here are a few ways to save yourself in the classroom by acting sooner rather than later: Organize your paperwork, but don’t overdo it: An organizational system shouldn’t be so complicated that it takes hours to create and you have to remember what’s filed where when you’re looking for something. Backing up critical information is a must, but recording the same information in multiple places wastes time. Making lists keeps things on track, but if you have so many lists you need a master list to keep track of them, you’ve overachieved! (I’m speaking from experience here, so trust me.) Organize your classroom in ways that work for you. Check out this list of 100 tips for classroom organization, many of them submitted by other teachers.  Scroll down and you’ll find a mini-list of 5 online tools to use in getting organized. Also, visit this page at  for links to 32 articles (32!) with classroom organization tips and tricks. Keep an emergency folder for substitute teachers, whether the principal requires one or not. Include in it some solid but generic lesson plans and activities that would be good to use anytime and that won’t need updating. Keep them simple. Write plans that don’t require a lot of explanation for the sub or your students to follow. Assemble a folder for yourself with backup plans to employ if things fall apart in class for one reason or another. Writing activities, practice pages, and general review exercises are all good backup plans that would be useful throughout the year. Make sure the contents of your emergency folder are different from the materials in the sub folder. Use a â€Å"bell ringer† at the beginning of each class. The strategy gets kids on task immediately, and while they’re working independently for 5 or 10 minutes, you will have some uninterrupted time to take attendance and gather your wits. Keep a folder with a collection of writing prompts to use as bell ringers throughout the year. There’s no need to generate them yourself. Lists of writing prompts, many of them grade and subject specific, can be found on line. Other lists, like this one from, include prompts that could be used in several subjects.  Type what you need into a search engine, and you’re in business. Educational research shows that kids should write in every class, for a variety of reasons, and bell ringers don’t have to be graded to be worthwhile. Put together some information packets for new students who show up unexpectedly in class. They can get settled, and you can keep teaching with a minimum of disruption. It’s nice to put a welcome note in each packet, since being the new kid in class can be tough. Anticipate problems and head them off at the pass with your plan book: Schedule tests and quizzes when most students will be present to take them, instead of attending another teacher’s field trip or participating in some other school activity. Avoid creating make-up work when you can. Every teacher knows the difference between a â€Å"hard day† and an â€Å"easy day† in class. Balance them through the week to give yourself- and the kids- a break. Schedule assignments in various classes so that everything isn’t due at the same time, burying you under an avalanche of papers to grade. Don’t reinvent the wheel if you don’t have to.   Using good lessons, quizzes, activities, and handouts created by somebody else or tweaking them to serve your own purposes saves time and complements your own planning. Thousands of free resources for all grades and subjects can be found on line, such as these documents at . Being proactive outside the classroom also makes teaching less stressful. By communicating with parents, students, peers, and principals, it’s often possible to avoid problems before they materialize and to build relationships that will pay dividends throughout the year. A heads-up before things get complicated is a â€Å"stitch in time† that can keep a situation from unraveling in very stressful ways. Considering all the demands teachers must meet every day, how much time does teaching require? The answer is â€Å"more.† Since there’s never enough time, spending some of it being proactive is a good investment. Preventing fires takes some time up front, but it’s much less stressful than racing through each day putting them out. Keep in mind, too, that football, falling leaves, and Halloween candy are more great ways to alleviate stress! Happy October, everybody! See you next time. Susan PS Looking for more tips on staying organized? Weve collected some helpful pins and DIY guides on our Teacher Tips and Tricks Pinterest board. Check that out here.

Monday, October 21, 2019

How to Write Natural Dialogue for Narratives

How to Write Natural Dialogue for Narratives Writing verbal conversations or dialogue is often one of the trickiest parts of creative writing. Crafting effective dialogue within the context of a narrative requires much more than following one quote with another. With practice, though, you can learn how to write natural-sounding dialogue that is creative and compelling. The Purpose of Dialogue Put simply, dialogue is narrative conveyed through speech by two or more characters. Effective dialogue should do many things at once, not simply convey information. It should set the scene, advance action, give insight into each character, and foreshadow future dramatic action. Dialogue doesnt have to be grammatically correct; it should read like actual speech. However, there must be a balance between realistic speech and readability. Dialogue is also a tool for character development. Word choice tells a reader a lot about a person: their appearance, ethnicity, sexuality, background, even morality. It can also tell the reader how the writer feels about a certain character. How to Write Direct Dialogue Speech, also known as direct dialogue, can be an effective means of conveying information quickly. But most real-life conversations are boring to read. An exchange between two friends may go something like this: Hi, Tony, said Katy. Hey, Tony answered. Whats wrong? Katy asked. Nothing, Tony said. Really? Youre not acting like nothings wrong. Pretty tiresome dialogue, right? By including nonverbal details in your dialogue, you can articulate emotion through action. This adds dramatic tension and is more engaging to read. Consider this revision: Hi, Tony. Tony looked down at his shoe, dug in his toe and pushed around a pile of dust. Hey, he replied. Katy could tell something was wrong. Sometimes saying nothing or saying the opposite of what we know a character  feels is the best way to create dramatic tension. If a character wants to say I love you, but his actions or words say I dont care, the reader will cringe at the missed opportunity. How to Write Indirect Dialogue Indirect dialogue doesnt rely on speech. Instead, it uses thoughts, memories, or recollections of past conversations to reveal important narrative details. Often, a writer will combine direct and indirect dialogue to increase dramatic tension, as in this example: Hi, Tony. Tony looked down at his shoe, dug in his toe and pushed around a pile of dust. Hey, he replied. Katy braced herself. Something was wrong. Formatting and Style To write dialogue that is effective, you must also pay attention to formatting and style. Correct use of tags, punctuation, and paragraphs can be as important as the words themselves. Remember that punctuation goes inside quotations. This keeps the dialogue clear and separate from the rest of the narrative. For example: I cant believe you just did that! Start a new paragraph each time the speaker changes. If there is action involved with a speaking character, keep the description of the action within the same paragraph as the characters dialogue. Dialogue tags other than said are best used sparingly, if at all. Often a writer uses them to try to convey a certain emotion. For example: But I dont want to go to sleep yet, he whined. Instead of telling the reader that the boy whined, a good writer will describe the scene in a way that conjures the image of a whining little boy: He stood in the doorway with his hands balled into little fists at his sides. His red, tear-rimmed eyes glared up at his mother. But I dont want to go to sleep yet. Practice Makes Perfect Writing dialogue is like any other skill. It requires constant practice if you want to improve as a writer. Here are a few tips to help you tune your ear. Start a dialogue diary. Practice speech patterns and vocabulary that may be foreign to you. This will give you the opportunity to really get to know your characters.Eavesdrop. Carry a small notebook with you and write down phrases, words, or whole conversations verbatim to help develop your ear.Read. Reading will hone your creative abilities. It will help familiarize you with the form and flow of narration and dialogue until it becomes more natural in your own writing.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Comstock Law and Its Role in Birth Control History

Comstock Law and Its Role in Birth Control History Act for the Suppression of Trade in, and Circulation of, Obscene Literature and Articles for Immoral Use The Comstock Law, passed in the United States in 1873, was part of a campaign for legislating public morality in the United States. As its full title (above) implies, the Comstock Law was meant to stop the trade in obscene literature and immoral articles. In reality, the Comstock Law was targeted not only at obscenity and dirty books but at birth control devices and information on such devices, at abortion, and at information on sexuality and on sexually transmitted diseases. The Comstock Law was widely used to prosecute those who distributed information or devices for birth control. In 1938, in a case involving Margaret Sanger, Judge August Hand lifted the federal ban on birth control, effectively ending the use of the Comstock Law to target birth control information and devices.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Survival of the fittest Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Survival of the fittest - Coursework Example For example, negative behaviors like violence and murder are rare, though scarcely present in the society. On the other hand, social aberration of negative acts like murder and violence are mainstream values (Alvaro, 2010). In this context, the mainstream adoption of positive behavioral habits over negative habits is synonymous to survival of fittest and desirable genets in Darwin’s mechanism of natural selection. In the context of ethics, the mechanism of survival for the fittest can be used to comprehend survival strategies employed by individuals and groups in the society. Primarily, the survival for the fittest mechanism asserts that like all animals, human beings included, compete against each other for survival and prosperity. Therefore, human strategies for survival and prosperity are inherently selfish in nature (Phillips, 2002). Under the right circumstances, every individual is innately programmed to act in a manner likely to preserve him or herself. In modern societies, material wealth is a tangible measure of personal prosperity. Since individuals are highly likely to selfishly pursue activities that maximize their material wealth, then one can easily understand the origins of deeply rooted vices like corruption in public and private organization. Like other governments, United States struggled and still struggles with corruption in public institutions. Actually, politicians and any individual in a correct position can, and will probably siphon as much public wealth as possible, so long as their actions are either conducted in secret, or are within the legal boundaries (Pepin, 2013). Therefore, corruption and other unethical behaviors executed by individuals or groups are manifestation of selfish desired meant to preserve and enhance one’s survival in a competitive environment. However, survival for the fittest can be used to understand the popular aspect of

Friday, October 18, 2019

Health determinants Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Health determinants - Assignment Example The patient encountered hardships as a result of his lack of income. He was unable to provide for his daily needs, which was accelerated by rising cost of living. He was not able to acquire basic education due to his lack of finances and therefore could not cope with the demands of the current job market. Such people are discriminated against in his society and would not be considered for leadership positions. Consequently, this socio-economic instability also affected the patient’s ability to establish and support his own family. Moreno and Warah (2007) state that a significant proportion of the world’s population lack access to a proper living environment. The physical environment in which the patient lived exposed him to health hazards and stress, leaving him without adequate shelter and clothing. This is a significant determinant of health as the patient was not protected from hostile environmental conditions such as rain and mosquito bites, among other harmful issues. Moreover, personal hygiene cannot be maintained without proper shelter and access to safe food and water. Individual risk factors also determine the overall health status of a person. For example, the patient turned to substance abuse as a mechanism of coping with his stress. Maurer and Smith (2013) argue that emotionally stressed people accelerate their demise through a lack of understanding their predicament and by engaging in negative behavior. Stressed individuals tend to seek self-gratification through undignified behavior especially when they lack money and resources. They tend to abuse illicit drugs that are easily obtained through the black market. The patient had a long history of abusing substances such as cannabis sativa and resin. Although these substances made the condition worse, the patient used them as stimulants. Jacobsen (2014) postulates that a minor change in a social system might influence the entire system; therefore, it should not be ignored. It is important for

Week 10 and Week 12 Discussions Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Week 10 and Week 12 Discussions - Coursework Example The effect is increasing in investments diverted to other uses other than agriculture. Japan being a manufacturing country due to its enormous amount of industries, this has resulted to huge investments in industrial projects hence the main income generating that drives the economy of Japan. The Japanese word is used to mean ‘group’ in Japanese. In the business world, the word is used to refer to a partnership or other forms of alliances. The partners work closely to ensure that they all succeed in the invested business. Partners work towards a common goal and are all involved in making decisions concerning their organizations. The Japanese essentially operate in quite a different manner when compared to other countries. They often consider others first before considering themselves. The other countries like the U.S believe that it is better off to consider themselves first before giving others room. The main consequences felt while the Korean War was sexual harassment as the women were badly exploited during wartime. Those who protested against the government were killed hence their cases of the unjust murder were reported in Cheju Island. The Koreans were made to be dependent on nuclear bombs and have the largest amount of a nuclear bomb in South Korea. The Korean people and the land in general have been overexploited that there are many reported cases of pollution in the two states. Dams help in flood control as noted by the Chinese government. The harmful gas released to the atmosphere as sulphur dioxide is reduced by dams as they are absorbed. Helps in water storage and there is a forecasting by the Chinese people that waste water can be in future treated and stored in dams for future use. Where any dam is constructed there is pressure exerted on the natives to relocate from their land. Dams constructed alter the surrounding environment and worse off threatens the river’s wildlife. The weight exerted by huge dams

Community organizing for health Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Community organizing for health - Essay Example The chapter on scale of measuring perception on control equally emphasizes the role of communal participation for a common course. People tend to have internal conflicts regarding how to act towards physiological occurences.Besides, the organization is subject to conflicting ideas and pressure to yield expected results and this requires confidence. In other words, people must have control over their thoughts, emotions and physical reactions in response to community health and welfare prospects. The validity and reliability of the scales to be used for such measurement needs extensive scrutiny. Individual perception on control translates to corporation among members of the community and yields desirable results. On policy Bingo, the author emphasizes need to protect private information despite the need for community involvement in health related issues. Setting limits on extent of disclosure must be respected and form a critical part of community health practices (Minkler, 2012). Besi des, organization and execution of laid down plan must observe socio-economic diversity that exists in the society. It is therefore critical to underscore the idea of privacy versus achievement of set goals.A critical evaluation of this book explores the increasing campaign on friendly social policies when it comes to community health and welfare. In my opinion, pursuit of the Frerian organizing codes is of unchallenged significance. Community constitutes different ethnic and racial diversity which must be captured while making decisions.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

The Interior Market of Dehenhams in 2014 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

The Interior Market of Dehenhams in 2014 - Essay Example Some of the notable designers include Ted Baker, Jane Packer, Erickson Beamon, Janet Reger, Matthew Williamson and Ashley Thomas among others. Based on its high investment in British design for the last 20 years, Debenhams has benefited from a stable financial position that has assisted the company in expanding to other countries. This paper discusses the direction that Debenhams interiors market is heading for 2014 with reference to its customers, products, and the retailer. The consumer In efforts to increase its sales, Debenhams has embarked on increasing the number of customers who purchases its products. Debenhams customers are individual consumers who cut across the whole family regardless of gender, age, and social status as well as foreign customers. Its main business is in clothing though they have adopted various strategies in order to successfully tap footwear industry (Data monitor, 2011). Majority of the customers are women who spend few minutes to almost the whole day i n the stores. The time spent by the customers in the store varies from one store to another depending on their purchasing power. For example, most customers who visit White rose store are middle class earners and spend less time compared to the other store in the city center. They have customer who visit their store on weekly and monthly basis but on average a customer visits the store every quarter and spends about half a day in different sections shopping. More to that, the store boost itself based on increased number of online shoppers through its website as well as their iphone application for the smart phone users and a video facility that offer online display of products, well known designers interviews and photo shoots. (Data monitor, 2011). The company controls 17 percent market share in the clothing industry in United Kingdom. (Data Monitor, 2011). However, many customers visit the stores to compare prices and may end up visiting the store several times without making a pur chase and when they does it, most probably it will be an impulse buying of another product rather that what they needed in the first place. In UK, most shoppers have changed from using traditional shopping method to the internet based shopping. Debenhams has opted to use different channels to reach its target consumers; it has convectional stores as well as online kiosks (Neolane, 2013). It also allows its customers to order products that are not available on their shelves for the same day delivery. Clients adopt shopping methods that suits them. Debenhams customers who adopt new channels are frequent and valuable than then store shoppers (Data Monitor, 2011). Most customers are embracing these changes because online channels offer convenience and are slightly cheaper. This is especially so for Debenhams since most of their customers are women who are busy with family and tight working schedule. Customers are also given ample opportunities to compare the prices of the three products that include furniture, outdoor and lighting brands. In line with this, the company has enhanced its online shop, reduced the delivery period and increased its range of products.


NURSING (POPULATION AND SAMPLE DISTRIBUTION)-2 - Assignment Example This is also supported by the research results that the Health Functioning variable being determined is a considerable cause for the differences between women and men in carrying out comparative analysis for social support, quality of life and perceived coping. The t-ratio is significant because it indicates the difference between males and females. This is because the alpha value for the study was set at 0.05. Mental health was the largest variance between males and females with a value of -3.15. The data shows that t-ratio = -2.54 have a smaller p value that -2.50. This is an indication of a better health future for men, and women post MI physical roles and components, are highly interconnected and statistically noteworthy. Type 1 error results when the null hypothesis is rejected. There is a risk of Type 1 error in this study because multiple t-tests were performed on the study data. Multiple t-tests increase the risk for Type 1 errors. Bonferroni procedure is necessary for this study because it reduces the risk for Type 1 error. A number of multiple t-tests were conducted on the study data that increased the risk for Type 1 data. Therefore, Bonifferoni procedure is required to reduce risk of Type 1 error. df is the degree of freedom. A number of df values were reported, in the study, because they describe the freedom of different score’s values, in relation to other exiting scores’ values and sum of the scores. The differences between males and females post MI is significant. If this is consistent with the previous research, then I can assume that there will be a better health future for men, and women post MI physical roles and components will be highly interconnected and statistically

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

The Interior Market of Dehenhams in 2014 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

The Interior Market of Dehenhams in 2014 - Essay Example Some of the notable designers include Ted Baker, Jane Packer, Erickson Beamon, Janet Reger, Matthew Williamson and Ashley Thomas among others. Based on its high investment in British design for the last 20 years, Debenhams has benefited from a stable financial position that has assisted the company in expanding to other countries. This paper discusses the direction that Debenhams interiors market is heading for 2014 with reference to its customers, products, and the retailer. The consumer In efforts to increase its sales, Debenhams has embarked on increasing the number of customers who purchases its products. Debenhams customers are individual consumers who cut across the whole family regardless of gender, age, and social status as well as foreign customers. Its main business is in clothing though they have adopted various strategies in order to successfully tap footwear industry (Data monitor, 2011). Majority of the customers are women who spend few minutes to almost the whole day i n the stores. The time spent by the customers in the store varies from one store to another depending on their purchasing power. For example, most customers who visit White rose store are middle class earners and spend less time compared to the other store in the city center. They have customer who visit their store on weekly and monthly basis but on average a customer visits the store every quarter and spends about half a day in different sections shopping. More to that, the store boost itself based on increased number of online shoppers through its website as well as their iphone application for the smart phone users and a video facility that offer online display of products, well known designers interviews and photo shoots. (Data monitor, 2011). The company controls 17 percent market share in the clothing industry in United Kingdom. (Data Monitor, 2011). However, many customers visit the stores to compare prices and may end up visiting the store several times without making a pur chase and when they does it, most probably it will be an impulse buying of another product rather that what they needed in the first place. In UK, most shoppers have changed from using traditional shopping method to the internet based shopping. Debenhams has opted to use different channels to reach its target consumers; it has convectional stores as well as online kiosks (Neolane, 2013). It also allows its customers to order products that are not available on their shelves for the same day delivery. Clients adopt shopping methods that suits them. Debenhams customers who adopt new channels are frequent and valuable than then store shoppers (Data Monitor, 2011). Most customers are embracing these changes because online channels offer convenience and are slightly cheaper. This is especially so for Debenhams since most of their customers are women who are busy with family and tight working schedule. Customers are also given ample opportunities to compare the prices of the three products that include furniture, outdoor and lighting brands. In line with this, the company has enhanced its online shop, reduced the delivery period and increased its range of products.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Should gay marriage be legalize Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Should gay marriage be legalize - Essay Example I support the legalization of gay marriages because of their similarity to heterosexual marriages, are determined by uncontrollable biological forces, and have existed in human societies through the course of time. Gay marriages are founded on nearly the same kind of principles that underpin heterosexual marriages. These marriages manifest the characteristics of company, support, and love, which are also fundamental in heterosexual marriages. Gay marriages resemble normal marriages and only differ due to the involvement of people of the same sex. According to those who hold on this opinion, marriage is supposed to help people to adjust to the realities of life and enjoy the company of each other (Baird and Stuart 50). Gay couples usually insist that they are happy in the company of each other and that they would not wish or aspire for any other alternative. Regarding the issue of having children, supporters of gay marriages insist that children are not fundamental to the success of a marriage. They contend that children could be adopted if the gay couples really need them in their marriage. The bonds that hold gay marriages are determined by uncontrollable biological factors. ... They contend they comprise of a minority group in the society and must be protected by the normal laws that safeguard the rights of the minority. American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) argues that opposing or outlawing their marriages is an infringement on gay people’s rights and liberties (Stockland and James 13). The society must, therefore, learn to tolerate them and treat them as part of the social system. Gay marriages have existed from historical periods to the current age. They existed during the current centuries and the old world accommodated them within their own structures (Eskridge and Spedale 143). Their argument is that gay relationships and gay marriages are a reality of life and must be accommodated in any society. According to them, the ancient world accommodated gay relationships because the societies at that time could draw a line between individual rights and social realities. They argue that the society has not had any problems resulting from gay relationsh ips. Statistics indicate that about 9 million Americans fall within the category of gay, lesbian, or other orientations that do not conform to conventional morality (Wardle 97). Support for the legalization of gay marriages is because the high statistics of gay people shows that their existence in the society is a fact that cannot be wished away. As such, their rights must be safeguarded and respected by the dominant heterosexual population. However, those who oppose the legalization of gay marriages argue that these marriages have the capacity of eroding the social fabric. They argue that human actions and behavior must be guided by the nature. Naturally, marriages should only be allowed between men and women. Those who

Monday, October 14, 2019

Labor Market in Gulf Countries

Labor Market in Gulf Countries India Steps Up Pressure for Minimum Wage for Its Workers in the Gulf The Labor Market in Gulf Countries This section of the report is about the labor market in the Gulf countries and how it is affected with changes in the labor policies by the governments of GCC countries. The GCC consists of six Arab countries including all Arab states of the Persian Gulf, Bahrain, Oman, Qatar, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates. The labor market is growing with the rapid growth of the economies of GCC countries. The governments of GCC countries prefer their national to be part of their organizations because of their higher education, and the nationals are also attracted towards the government sector of GCC countries because of the higher wages and generous benefits, job security, early retirement with pension and many other benefits associated with the government jobs. However, the labor market of GCC countries also contains a significant portion of expatriate workers, therefore the private sector heavily rely on the working on expatriate workers and the expatriate labor work also att racted towards the private sector because of the jobs that are available on fixed terms, the contracts of the jobs are specific and they are under the sponsorship of nationals. The labor migration to Gulf countries is considered to be of vast importance. The factors related to its importance are the relatively larger size of the Gulf countries and better economic conditions prevailing there. According to the recent reports, foreign workers especially from South Asia and Philippines make up around 90 percent or more of the private sector in all GCC countries except Saudi Arabia. Moreover, the rate of increasing population and the birth rate of foreign citizens in the Gulf countries also among other factors of increasing labor migration in Gulf countries. An individual labor law for every country in GCC is designed in accordance with international labor laws and standards, conventions and recommendations of International Labor Organization that aim to eliminate unfair labor practices and equal treatment of laborers regarding to the nationality, social status or religious belief. This is also because of the Global Economic Crises which cause the working class of South Asian countries to be affected badly, as a result many of the workers were not paid and most of the foreigner laborers had to leave the country and they put Gulf countries on the priority because of the high economic level and better wages rates than the European countries. Gulf countries recent policies and regulations on the protection of rights emphasize on the regulation on the labor market and boost national man power in private sector, by keeping the balance in working relationships at work place, increasing the labor protection and safeguarding the employeesâ€℠¢ interests at all. The above figure shows the supply and demand of labor market in the Gulf countries. It has shown that the labor market of the Gulf countries is effecting accordingly to the number of workers or workforce present there. If the supply of the workforce is increasing in Gulf countries because of the rising migration workers in Gulf countries, the demand is also increasing because of the increasing effect of the economies of Gulf countries, and the demand is also increasing because of their high expertise and high education in their relevant fields. According to the reports issued by the World Bank, there is various numbers of factors that have been contributed to the situation of youth employment situation in the Gulf countries. If considering the supply side, a demographic wave has increased the share of young people in the population because of the migration youth individuals to the Gulf countries has resulted the labor supply pressures. And if the demand size of the labor market is considered, young people in the labor markets of Gulf countries widespread with structural distortions. And the fact is that the public and private sector of GCC continues to attract young people towards themselves, with higher wage and benefit packages and better job security. Labor Market in India This section of the report considers the level of labor force and labor market in the economy of India. The India is considered to be the second largest country in the population growth after china and according to the reports of 2012, the labor workers who were working in India were 487 million, and 90 % of these workers were working in unorganized and unincorporated companies, while only 10 % of them are working in the organized private, state owned enterprises and government sectors. In local terms, the organized sector or formal sector are described as the sectors in India related to licensed organizations that are registered and pay income tax, and sales tax etc. These organizations of India include the publicly traded companies, corporations, factories, incorporated or formally registered entities, shopping malls, hotels, and large businesses. Unorganized sector, also known as informal sector or own account enterprises, refers to all unlicensed, self-employed or unregistered ec onomic activity such as owner manned general stores, handicrafts and handloom workers, rural traders, farmers, etc. If the labor market of India is to be seen, the matter of the fact is that there are two broad groups of migrant laborers working in India one group of migrant laborers is that who migrates to Gulf countries and overseas in order to work temporarily, and another group is that one who migrates on a seasonal and work available basis. According to the latest reports, the migrant workers who are Indian-origin laborers are about 4 million in number who are migrant workers in the Middle East and Gulf countries alone. They are accredited to been a part of Gulf countries and the majority of workers are those and are proud themselves who built many of Dubai, Qatar, Bahrain, and Persian Gulf modern architecture, and major of their architecture is the Burj Khalifa, which is considered to be the tallest building in worlds history which has started its operation in 2010. It is the common factor that no one wants to leave his country and the reason of leaving home country and to go abroad is that of financial surplus. These migrant workers are also attracted towards the Gulf countries because of better salaries, and getting the opportunity of even better jobs in order to remit funds and financials to support their families in India. In 2009, the reports by Middle East analysts show that the Middle East-based migrant workers from India remitted about US$20 billion. In many cases they also have to face the challenges and problems in dong jobs that is labor abuses and problems such as unpaid salaries, poor living conditions and unsafe work conditions have been claimed by the Indian migrant workers. Moreover, it has also been seen that national migrant workers in India have been assessed to be about 4.2 million. These migrant workers work according to their capacity and abilities and they have shown the range from full-time to part-time workers, permanent and temporary workers. They are typically employed for remuneration in cash or kind, in any household through any agency or directly, to do the household work, but do not include any member of the family of an employer. While talking to the India workforce in GCC countries, the reports suggests that India is the principal and major country of South Asia origin for the 17 million migrants in GCC countries. The Indian states are also sending their individuals also to GCC countries in order to get better employment and better remunerations. In 2004, the Indian state of Kerala only consists of the 26 percent of all households that had at least one temporary international migrant. And 89 percent of these were found to be in GCC countries (Zachariah and Rajan 2009, pp. 35, 162). According to the Philippines reports, that there were about 1.5 million temporary Overseas Filipino Workers (POEA 2011), in 2011 represented themselves while working abroad through the act of Philippine Overseas Employment Administration and according to the entire national labor force (BLES 2012) there were about 4 percent of the GCC migrants are Philippines who were working there. The figure below shows that the financial flow comes to the India because of the remittances from abroad and it has been seen that in the period of 2009-2011, 31.4% has been received by India only from the remittances of FDI from all over the world, and in 2012, only 30 of the total remittances came from GCC countries only. The above figure shows that India receives about as much in remittances from the GCC countries as it receives in FDI from the whole world The demand and supply of the labor market of India is not elastic and that the supply of the labor market is high and that the demand is ot that much high because of the economic conditions of the country and that the wages rates as well not according to the demands of the workers as well. Moreover, the high rate of population and unavailability of employment caused the migrants o move towards the GCC countries and overseas. According to the latest reports, the Indian migrates are not getting paid according to their demands and that the wages rate is quite minimum in Gulf countries for them. References,. (2014). The Gulf Research Meeting 2014: Workshop Details. Retrieved 29 August 2014, from Labor Market Challenges and the policies in Gulf Corporation Council union. (2014) (1st ed.). Retrieved from,. (2008). The Indian labour market: An overview. Retrieved 29 August 2014, from

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Patriot Act Essay -- Politics Foreign Affairs Safety Terrorism Essays

Patriot Act "We're dealing with terrorists who operate by highly sophisticated methods and technologies, some of which were not even available when our existing laws were written. The bill before me accounts for the new realities and dangers posed by modern terrorists. It will help law enforcement to identify, dismantle, disrupt, and punish terrorists before they strike," (President George W. Bush at signing of Patriot Act, 2001). The terrorists of today cannot be reasoned with. We must do whatever necessary to ensure that there never will be another September 11th. Since the enactment of the Patriot Act, there have not been any major acts of terrorism committed on U.S. soil. If the Act had been established earlier, perhaps the tragedy of September 11th would have been prevented. The Patriot Act has applied common sense knowledge and resources to law enforcement, making it easier for them to seize terrorists before they strike. The Patriot Act, however, has stirred up controversies amongst those who believe it to be a violation of our civil liberties. The ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union) argues that the Patriot Act not only fails to make us a safer nation, but also a less free one. They believe that it does not uphold our fundamental rights and freedoms. They want Congress to limit the sharing of information through wiretapping between the government, so as to preserve their privacy. The ACLU also believes the F.B.I., has been given too long a leash, that the Patriot Act has overstepped its boundaries. The ACLU has issued eighteen sheets, written dozens of letters to Congress and the Bush administration, and made hundreds of TV and radio appearances, calling on Congress to "defend the fundamental rights and freedoms that distinguish us from repressive societies in other parts of the world." The Patriot Act, however, violates none of these liberties and is a key source in protecting our freedom. If we do not fight back against terrorists who want to take over this land, we will be no different from other repressed societies. It is our determination and strength that has set us apart from the rest of the world. The attack on September 11th stirred up a desire in Americans to want to protect and defend this nation. The Patriot Act is a tool for defending our fundamental rights and freedoms from and enemy who will show no mercy. Terrorists are e... ...make the provisions of the Patriot Act more permanent and secure. We have let the terrorists go far beyond our reach. They are now embedded into all sections of our cultures. We can trust no one and must do whatever necessary to ensure that there will never be another event like September 11th. The actions we take today will affect who we are tomorrow. What we so now will form the future of this nation. The religion of the terrorists is to destroy Americans for a greater reward in their heaven. They are relentless and will stop at nothing. We, therefore, must always be vigilant and on guard, and support the Patriot Act. The Patriot Act lets us rest assured that future generations will live in a safe and free world. Works Cited: ACLU of Northern California. (Online) Available February 23,2003 National ACLU. (Online) Available, December 17,2002. President Bush's remarks on signing USA-Patriot Act. (Online) Available, December, 2001. U.S Department of Justice. (Online) Available, October 25,2001

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Comparing the Mothers in The Glass Menagerie and A Raisin in the Sun Es

Comparing the Mothers in The Glass Menagerie and A Raisin in the Sun   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The plays, The Glass Menagerie and A Raisin in the Sun, deal with the love, honor, and respect of family. In The Glass Menagerie, Amanda, the caring but overbearing and over protective mother, wants to be taken care of, but in A Raisin in the Sun, Mama, as she is known, is the overseer of the family. The prospective of the plays identify that we have family members, like Amanda, as overprotective, or like Mama, as overseers. I am going to give a contrast of the mothers in the plays.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In The Glass Menagerie, by Tennessee Williams, we embark on the task of seeing a family living in the post WWII era. The mother is Amanda, living in her own world and wanting only the best for her son, Tom. Tom, a dreamer, tired of Amanda’s overbearing and constant pursuit of him taking care of the family, wants to pursue his own goals of becoming a poet. He is constantly criticized and bombarded by his mother for being unsuccessful. This drives him to drinking and lying about his whereabouts, and eventually at the end of the play, he ends up leaving. An example of Amanda and Tom’s quarrel I when he quotes, â€Å"I haven’t enjoyed one bit of this dinner because of your constant directions on how to eat it. It’s you that makes me rush through meals with your hawklike attention to every bit I take.†(302) Laura, on the other hand, is shy and out of touch with reality because of a slight disability, in which she is comfort...

Friday, October 11, 2019

Love or friendship? Essay

Love is just an affection that we feel but friendship is the second most important thing in the world. friendship weighs more. because we can find another special someone but you can’t find that true friend even if you search for a very long time. one more thing, study first before engaging to that very complicated thing. according to the wikipedia, Love is a variety of different feelings, states, and attitudes that ranges from interpersonal affection (â€Å"I love my mother†) to pleasure (â€Å"I loved that meal†). It can refer to an emotion of a strong attraction and personal attachment.[1] It can also be a virtue representing human kindness, compassion, and affection—†the unselfish loyal and benevolent concern for the good of another†.[2] It may also describe compassionate and affectionate actions towards other humans, one’s self or animals.[3] Ancient Greeks identified four forms of love: kinship or familiarity (in Greek, storge), friendship (philia), sexual and/or romantic desire (eros), and self-emptying or divine love (agape).[4][5] Modern authors have distinguished further varieties of romantic love.[6] Non-Western traditions have also distinguished variants or symbioses of these states.[7] This diversity of uses and meanings combined with the complexity of the feelings involved makes love unusually difficult to consistently define, compared to other emotional states. Love in its various forms acts as a major facilitator of interpersonal relationships and, owing to its central psychological importance, is one of the most common themes in the creative arts.[8] Love may be understood as a function to keep human beings together against menaces and to facilitate the continuation of the species. This is just my way of expressing but its up to you if what will you choose. but be wise and brave enough of whatever your decision is.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Negative Effect of Internet Essay

You are at home in the U.S.A. and want to contact a friend in Ecuador, so you use the internet to communicate and life is better now. While, internet shortens the distances there are also three other negative effects impersonal communication, community misinformation and identity theft. First of all, most of us know how to use a computer but, do you remember the last time you wrote a letter to your mother in Chicago instead of sending an e-mail? Each day people prefer more the use or impersonal communication media such as chat rooms, e-mail than calling or writing to their families. At this moment the contact between families is at risk. The second negative effect or internet appears to be related with the impersonate characteristic we talked previously. Because, internet is impersonal most of the time, is the perfect media for spreading rumors and misinforming the entire community. A very common form of misinformation is the use of chain letters. For example, someone sends you an e-mail saying that McDonald’s burgers are genetically engineered (and you believe it even without evidence) so you send the same e-mail to all your contacts. Within a few hours your contacts do same as you and hundreds of people believe in the e-mail without any attempt to confirm the content. The third and last negative effect of internet is the identity theft. If the chain letters we were talking about don’t scares you yet, pay attention to your personal information. Each day two out of five citizens suffer some king of identity theft. Because a lot of transactions are made through the internet it is easy to steal your social security number and your credit card number. Furthermore, sometimes you give the information to the thieves without knowing it when you apply for that risk free credit card online, or pay for products on-line. In summary, the internet can make communication fast but impersonal, can also misinform and somebody else can steal your identity, without your knowing. As a result, I encourage people to visit the family, don’t believe everything you see on the internet and be aware of where you use your personal data including credit cards.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Reasons Why The Memberships Of Trade Blocs, Such As The EU, Has Changed Over Time

Memberships of trade blocs changed over time because countries realized that there are a huge amount of benefits to joining a trade bloc union. Benefits such as Free trade within the bloc which means that they have free access to each other’s markets, members of the trade bloc are encouraged to specialize. This means that at the regional level there is a wider application on ability to carry out a particular economic activity e. g. making a specific product more efficiently than another activity.In addition countries have Market access and trade creation which is when countries have easier access to each other's markets meaning that trade between members is likely to increase. Trade creation exists when free trade enables high cost domestic producers to be replaced by low cost and also allow more efficient imports. Because low cost imports lead to lower priced imports, there is a ‘consumption effect', with increased demand resulting from lower prices.Also Producers from the member country can benefit from the application of scale economies, which will lead to lower costs and lower prices for consumers. Jobs may be created as a consequence of increased trade between member economies. There is increased protection. Firms inside the bloc are protected from cheaper imports from outside, such as the protection of the EU shoe industry from cheap imports from China and Vietnam. There are other long-term political and social benefits to trade blocs.The countries’ economies become more intertwined also the political reasons for close cooperation within the bloc increases. Countries understand that they have a stake in each other and make greater efforts to get along. In that same way, increased business contacts usually mean that people must learn the culture of their trading partners. Many must learn new languages and different business practices. In short, more people will come into contact with each other and will need to learn more about each oth er. This breeds increased understanding amongst people.Another reason for the change is as for consumers are that there is often a greater variety of goods and services available in free trade blocs. Products like beer, detergent, clothing, and machine tools are often produced in all the countries after the free trade agreement they are often stocked in many stores. Products like satellite hook ups for televisions, computers and telephones are usually made more available to developing countries. Internet service providers are now able to sell to larger markets and more consumers have opportunities to purchase or use these services.

Creating a business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Creating a business - Essay Example The business plan of the company aims at providing the travelers with the opportunity of taking a private jet to begin travelling from their ultimate objective within Europe to the airlines focal point, to embark upon the linking flights within the First class otherwise the Business Class to the Air blue objectives all over the world. The innovative classified jet service, a supplementary augmentation inside the lofty end marketplace, they can also be utilized for the flights connecting almost all the European airports. The Air Blue Private Jet is idyllically also what complements the private airline jets intercontinental association by totaling up to 2,000 private flight alternatives. The joint venture primarily behind this innovative as well as private Air Blue produce had been authoritatively authorized by the CEO of Air blue jets , along with the international association of Private jets around the world . (Travel daily, 2005) The people, who are making a... ing to the primary research conducted by the company, there have been several potential clients who have made the company realize that the customers are actually looking forward to the element of utmost elasticity during their travel arrangement. Curbing down the actual travel time can act as a very significant feature in business success. With our new offering, designed to meet the requirements of the companies most discriminating clientele, the company aims to bring together Air blue's distinguished quality principles by way of the compensations of classified travelling. In the form of the international private jets corporation, the company has also been able to recognize the collaborator for this subdivision. The corporation is the globe leader in the private aviation industry, with nearly the employees almost having 3 years understanding, lofty industrial standards, professionalism in getaway development in addition to association as well as the uppermost safety principles additi onally; the customers are content to be with acquaintances with Air blue private Jet. Ensuring their majority expensive customers they have extraordinary choice and flexibility. The customers market usually overjoyed that the intercontinental street chosen the worldwide association as its collaborator - as no one have the social contact of more with regards to the deviation within the US head. This justification makes the additional, than self honorable of the safety confirmation and service .Additionally, choosing a preferred collection of the First and Business Class travelers moreover all honoring members. These travelers have the advantage of putting together the utilization of the private Jet examinations, which have been bordered as a magnate furthermore other than an approximate

Monday, October 7, 2019

Discussions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Discussions - Essay Example Backing-up data requires software tools, which are clearly the responsibility of the company to make available to the employee. In this line of reasoning, it is the responsibility of the company to purchase and make available the back-up software. However, it is the responsibility of the employee to use the software to back-up her files. --Doug The answer to who should backup company data is, it depends. I can think of two situations where the answer differs. The first situation consists of a typical user who sits in the cube and uses systems provided by the organization. In this situation, the organization must address two issues. First, they must provide a central location for users to securely save their information. They must provide policies, procedures, and technical solutions to backup those backend systems that house all critical information. The employee is not without responsibility in this situation. They must ensure that they are saving their work on those resources that provide the backup solution. Where my answer differs is from the following scenario. I have worked for and know consultants who are responsible for purchasing their own laptops. They are typically road warriors and do not frequent the office on a regular basis. Their laptops house corporate data critical to the organization.

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Nokia Corporation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Nokia Corporation - Essay Example The journey of Nokia began since the year 1865 when Fredrik Idestam, a mining engineer, founded a timber pulp mill or factory in South-Western Finland. Gradually, the other mill was established in the year 1871 which inspired the name of his company to be changed as Nokia Ab. The effectual business operations of Nokia since its inception ultimately made the organisation to be a principal multinational business organisation relating with the telecommunication business sector (Nokia, 2012).Nokia became quite successful to operate its business functions influentially by employing approximately 139,000 employees throughout the world. The main products of Nokia include mobile electronic devices, mobile telephones that include smartphones with tough screens and phones with typing pads along with other communication devices. The products such as Lumia 800, E6-00 and N8-00 are few of the attractive mobile products that belong to Nokia (Nokia, 2012).The mission of Nokia is to enhance the conn ectivity amid the social framework of international regions. The chief goal of the organisation is to build superior quality of mobile products and serve its worldwide customers and to attain a significant market share. In order to achieve its expected business goals, Nokia has formed a tactical business partnership with its related industries such as Microsoft that is expected to support the organisation to attain maximum profits in the smartphone business market. In this context, the strategy of Nokia aims to leverage.... The products such as Lumia 800, E6-00 and N8-00 are few of the attractive mobile products that belong to Nokia (Nokia, 2012). The mission of Nokia is to enhance the connectivity amid the social framework of international regions. The chief goal of the organisation is to build superior quality of mobile products and serve its worldwide customers and to attain a significant market share. In order to achieve its expected business goals, Nokia has formed a tactical business partnership with its related industries such as Microsoft that is expected to support the organisation to attain maximum profits in the smartphone business market. In this context, the strategy of Nokia aims to leverage its strengths as well as innovations in developed business markets in order to connect a huge mass of people (Nokia, 2012). The organisation intends to invest heavily in its future endeavours in order to develop its different assets that include technical features, software application programs and har dware components relating with the different phones belonging to the organisation. The other important business tactic of Nokia is greatly focussing upon the aspect of new market as well as new product development strategy. The business organisation also tends to execute other noteworthy strategies with the intention of attaining its expected business objectives (Nokia, 2012). Telecommunication Industry The effective combination of several telecommunication deregulations, enhanced enlargement of various internet related applications and the attractiveness of the mobile services ultimately accelerated the pace of growth in the telecommunication industry. Due to rapid expansion as well as growth in the telecommunication

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Thomas Hobbes Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Thomas Hobbes - Essay Example Man’s capriciousness is a threat to themselves and the desire for what others have gained in pursuit of the so-called equality without examining what can make them truly satisfied serves as self-destructive factors. Such claim could be further examined with Hobbes’s three principal causes of quarrel which are: competition diffidence and glory. The concept of the three principal causes can be associated with the example on man’s thrive to equality. In war, time hold a specific and essential role. c. Hobbes opined that time in war is as essential as time in weather. Bad weather cannot be measured with the amount of rain but the rainy days altogether; just as war where threat is not apparent in the battle itself but how long is it going to take for war to persist, because after the war, there is an assurance of peace. The state of war and argument is caused by man himself, and only he can make means to end it by making a pact or covenant in which both parties have t o observe. Section 2: Question 1 â€Å"J.J. Thompson claims...† According to J.J. Thompson, abortion is not always morally impermissible. She noted that a woman must be given the right to choose whether or not the baby should live, in case that the pregnancy was due to rape. She contends that the impermissibility of abortion is a case to case basis. And because of that argument she created thought experiments to further defend her view on that matter. There are few thought experiments she presented in her essay where one is an example analogous to pregnancy due to rape and the other is based on the concept of people-seeds. The first mentioned tells about you being kidnapped. A famous violinist needs your body so that he could live and so, he is ‘plugged’ into your body by some medical tube, where it should stay there for nine months (or more). The doctor said that you have no choice because until he recovers and removing the tubes would mean killing him. In the s ame way, pro-life views would say that abortion of pregnancy due to rape is still impermissible because the life in the womb is innocent, the same way as the violinist is innocent. Because of this, the woman in the example, and the woman being pregnant by rape has the same situation. Thompson further asserts that if right to life is given more weight than right to choose in any circumstance, it is just like saying that the person in the example does not have the right to remove the tubes from her body because it would mean murder; and murder is always and absolutely impermissible. The second thought experiment tells about â€Å"people-seeds.† Thompson argued that unwanted pregnancy even due to voluntary intercourse with contraception gives the mother the right to abort the baby because using contraception infers that the woman does not desire to have a baby. Thompson compared it to a person who puts in mesh screens so that pollens will not be implanted. If in case a seed drif ts in and takes its root, this gives the owner the right to remove it. Thompson’s arguments are direct to the point. She has clear associations which illustrate the points she wanted to express. However, she missed two points in her arguments which made her thought experiments unsuccessful. First, women have an in born motherly instinct and conscience and second, it is well documented that there is no 100% effective birth control method except for abstinence, so

Friday, October 4, 2019

Operation management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words - 1

Operation management - Essay Example Another perspective of operations management comprises: overseeing, controlling product designation process and redesigning business operations in the production of goods and services (Heizer 2010). Thus operation managers have the task and responsibility of ensuring that organizational operations are efficient (Slack 2010). This involves effective utilisation of the resources as well as meeting the client or the customer requirements. Ascribing from this explanation it can be argued that operational management is vital in developing plans as well as strategies in maximizing the organizational opportunities and challenges. Notably is the operating environment which should be focused as effective operations management ensures that quality goods and services are produced and that demanded quantities within the acceptable timeframe is met by the organisation. OPERATIONAL MANAGEMENT IN THE CONTEXT OF 2 SISTERS FOOD GROUP 2 Sisters Food Group is a chicken meat processing company in Englan d. According to Heizer (2010) the company started being a retail operating company, it is notable that in the past years the company has expanded tremendously through acquisition and establishing manufacturing sites in UK and other countries it has expanded into, notable acquisition is the Dutch-based chicken processor Storteboom Group. With the expanded operations it offers employment to over 5000 people and having annual sales of over six hundred and fifty million pounds annually. How the company operates The company comprises of three divisions which include: The primary division where slaughtering and the primary processing takes place. The second division involves chicken cutting and removing of bones. The third stage involves preparation where breading and roasting of the chicken takes place (Heizer 2010). This stage is attributed to final products including savoury liquids, ready to cook chicken and the component meat. 2 Sisters Food Group produces owned-brand products which are supplied to the supermarkets and established retailers. Notable brands associated to this company include Buxted brand and the Devonshire Red free range chicken. Therefore attributed to the notable expansion of this company and the complexity of the operations involved, the company ought to have a well established and effective operational management. The company has been successful because of the dynamitic operation management aspects, measures and controls it has develop in its operations (Slack 2010). Attributed to this effective and efficient operational management are the analysis, development, design and implementation of these important aspects of operational management by its management team. In order to achieve this, the company has emphasized on the following aspects of operations. Operational strategy These are the strategies that the company adopts in their day to day production and delivery of goods and services. In the context of 2 Sisters Food Group the operationa l strategy process is mainly used to formulate operations strategies. These strategies have been instrumental in the market positioning of this company. These strategies define the short-run and the long-run operations of this company.

Thursday, October 3, 2019

My Decision Making Model Essay Example for Free

My Decision Making Model Essay My Decision Making Model BY sals39 My Decision Making Model Experience MMPBU500 July 12, 2010 Mr. Chuck Millhollan Abstract Throughout every day of our lives we are forced to make decisions although at times it is not the easiest task. As a result, decision making models are utilized to ease the burden of making the wrong decisions which have lasting effects. There are numerous decision making models and they each function in various ways. However, my most favorable decision making process is the rational decision making process. It helps to me weigh my options as to what is my best possible choice and clearly epicts the consequences of my final decision. The rational decision making process is a six step process that is utilized extensively in many organizations and schools. The process is used so that decisions made are in the best interest of each situation. According to Janis and Mann, in rational decision making: (a) the goals and objectives of decision makers are clear and known in advance; (b) the decision maker chooses the best alternative among all possible courses of action; (c) full information about the consequences of possible courses of action is available; and (d) there is no uncertainty involved(Decision aking, 2001). As an elementary educator, I frequently make decisions and tend to utilize the rational decision making process as I do so. Problem Defining the Prior to any decision making process being used there must be a problem or situation on hand. The first step is defining the exact problem and it can be easily overlooked. It helps to avoid misinterpretations of the problem and uncommon solutions especially when working with others. For instance when we are conducting grade level meetings we normally begin by individual stating problems that we have been encountering individually in the classroom. We then merge those individual issues and find one root that is the cause of those issues and target it as our main problem. Research Pros and Cons In every situation after establish the problem it is then possible to research how to eliminate the problem and the pros and cons of doing such. According to the Macquarie Dictionary, when we evaluate the pros and cons of a decision we are establishing the arguments for and against something (Macquarie, 2010). As a result we then, formulate solutions and the good and bad of each solution. It helps us to consider every possible option and recognize consequences, if any. This in students. Making a Decision and Formulating a Plan When making decisions especially within a group it can be very time consuming and requires a lot of thought. After weighing the pros and cons one should be able to make the best possible choice that is going to benefit the situation. As we progress to making a decision in our grade level meeting we aim to come to once consensus which is normally done by taking a vote based on our findings. When then immediately begin brainstorming ways in which we can get our ideas and decisions into actions by formulating a plan. We establish our weekly plan which is a detailed escription of the daily activities and lessons that is carefully executed by all teachers within that grade level. We then schedule or next grade level meeting to evaluate the outcome of our decisions and plans to solve them. Evaluate Results Why establish a plan and do not evaluate the productivity or outcome? No matter the situation it is always of best interest to evaluate any plan put in place to rectify a problem. It is done by reevaluating the problem, the solutions that were presented, the plan that was put in place, and how well the plan was executed and succeeded in alleviating the problem. At the beginning of our weekly grade level meetings we use the first ten minutes to evaluate prior plans that were put in place and whether they were effective or not. At that point we are able to make the necessary alterations needed or express what portions of the plan was successful. Conclusion The rational decision making model help to ensure order and consistency is established into making your decision. It also provides a well thought-out and orderly approach to decision making. It helps make certain we consider all factors relating to a decision, in the most reasonable manner.

Applications of Hard X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy

Applications of Hard X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy Applications of Hard X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy to bulk materials Jingru Chi ABSTRACT X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy is a powerful, relevant and non-destructive method for studying atoms, molecules and surfaces [1]. However, investigations are limited to atoms, molecules and surfaces since low energy electrons limit the depth resolution, resulting in three-dimensional bulk state cannot be detected. Hard X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (HAXPES) with high kinetic energy photoelectrons uses excitation by X-ray of 2-15keV and a high energy analyzer which make it possible to measure bulk and determine bulk electronic structure properties of materials [2]. The recoil effects of photoelectrons in valence band states and core levels are the principal studies of HAXPES. In this paper, HAXPES uses undulator synchrotron X-rays at SPring-8. The results of high energy photoelectron spectroscopy of the valence bands and sensitivity of bulk have shown that the measured valence band spectra are indispensable in studying the bulk electronic structure. Introduction The Nobel Prize in 1981 was awarded to Kai Siegbahn for developing the method of Electron Spectroscopy for Chemical Analysis (ESCA), now which is presented as X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS). Since then, XPS becomes one of the most useful and non-destructive techniques for analyzing the electronic structure of atoms, molecules and surfaces. In early studies, XPS uses Mo KÃŽ ± (= 17.479keV), Cr KÃŽ ± (= 5.417keV) or Cu KÃŽ ± (= 8.047 keV) hard X-ray sources. Gradually it out of date with the discovery that lower energy soft X-rays such as the Mg KÃŽ ± (= 1253.6eV) and Al KÃŽ ± (= 1486.7eV) sources has the higher energy resolution [3]. Reducing incident energy improved the surface sensitivity of XPS. However, soft X-rays source limits the depth resolution to 5nm for Angle-Resolved X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (ARXPS) and 10nm for inelastic loss analysis [4], so it cannot detect the deeply buried layers without destructive ways like ion sputtering and etching which are time-c onsuming and hard to control. In the last few years, the developments of new bright synchrotron photon sources, the availability of monochromators with a resolving power about 105, and electron analyzers which can analyze the 10 keV electrons with meV resolution have created the new possibilities for Hard X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (HAXPES) [5], which made it possible to analyze the bulk structure without using destructive methods. HAXPES has not been well-developed until the appearance of the third generation synchrotrons, which can generate high-brilliance, high-flux X-rays that enables one to perform experiments with the HAXPES in very low photoionization cross-section [1]. As well the developments of electron analyzer with the high kinetic energy range also contributed to improve HAXPES measurements [6]. The superiority of HAXPES is the considerable probing depth owing to the increased electron mean free path [7], made it possible to detect the electronic structure of bulk materials. With the excitation energy of 8 keV, the escape energy can be greater than 90 Ã… [1]. With high kinetic energies of electrons, the coral level and the valence band can be detected in the bulk materials. According to these advantages, HAXPES is one of the best ways to perform sensitive photoemission spectroscopy on correlated systems such as thin films, multilayer systems and devices [1]. Several investigations on bulk materi als have been reported. One is the measurement of the valence band of Co2Mn1−xFexSi (x = 0, 0.5, 1) be excited by photons which have energy about 8 keV [8, 9]. This experiment was the proof that the XPS with hard X-rays has better sensitivity on bulk electronic structure than the conventional XPS with soft X-rays. Fundamentals of HAXPES Model of photoionization using hard X-rays When use the conventional theoretical model to describe the photoemission, including the differential cross-section of photoionization for photon energies from 2 keV to 15 keV, the model based on the power series expansion of the electron-photon interaction operator cannot perfectly explain photoemission though just using a limited number of the terms of the expansion [2]. However, a more complex expansion of the electron-photon interaction operator developed by Fujikawa [11, 12] contained all the electric dipole operators and other multipole terms can explain it well. These models indicate that contributions from electric quadrupole and magnetic dipole transitions cannot be ignored anymore when photoelectrons are excited by high energy X-rays and beyond the electric dipole transitions [2]. Systems Fig. 1. HEARP Lab system [10] There are just so many kinds of HAXPES, here just introduce the HEARP Lab system. In this system, it needs the monochromatic X-ray source with 5–6 keV photon energies and the high energy electron analyzer with angular resolution capability for the measurements of takeoff angle dependence and X-ray photoelectron diffraction [10]. To meet these requirements, HEARP uses the Cr KÃŽ ± X-ray source, a wide acceptance objective lens, and a high energy version of VG SCIENTA R4000 analyzer [10], as it showed in Fig. 1. A Cr KÃŽ ± X-ray source is shown in Fig. 2(a). The main body contains the water cooling system and Cr target. At the first, the monochromatic Cr KÃŽ ± X-rays are emitted by a focused electron beam with the maximum acceleration energy of 20keV, then X-rays go through the bent crystal monochromator with a 300mm Rowland circle and focus onto a sample surface [10], as schematically shown in Fig. 2(b). The X-ray spot size ranges from 1.5ÃŽ ¼m to 200ÃŽ ¼m by raster scanning of the electron beam [10]. (b) (a) Fig. 2. X-ray source [10]. (a) Photograph of UHV compatible flange mounted Cr KÃŽ ± X-ray source [10]. (b) Schematic diagram of X-ray source. The electron beam is focused on a water cooled Cr target [10] and it excite Cr KÃŽ ± X-rays. Then it monochromatized by an elliptically bent Ge crystal with 422 reflection [10] and direct irradiated to the sample surface. The objective lens, as it shown in Fig. 3(a), is set in front of the analyzer. The angle acceptance of the lens is about  ±7 °, when it is combined with the VG SCIENTA R4000 10 KV hemispherical analyzer, the angle acceptance can achieve to  ±35 ° [10]. The magnification factor is 5, as well the magnification factor of analyzer input lens is 5, so the total magnification factor is 25 [10], and the working distance is 11mm from the aperture [10]. (a) Fig. 3 Performance The performance of HEARP system is evaluated by measuring Au 3d5/2 photoelectrons emitted from an Au strip. The total energy resolution is 0.53 eV [13]. The result of the experiment showed the acceptance angle is  ±35 ° and a resolution less than 0.5 ° [10]. When it is provided with the objective lens, the acquisition time for the Au 3d spectrum excited by the same Cr KÃŽ ± source is 16 min, which is seven times better than without the objective lens [10]. Table 1 shows the differences in HEARP Lab system and HXPES at BL47XU beamline system. Table 1 Comparison of HEARP Lab system with HXPES at BL47XU beamline system. They all have the same analyzer with the same pass energy of 200 eV. In the Lab system, it uses entrance slit of curved 0.8mm, beamline system uses curved 0.8mm. The X-ray excitation power is 45W (15 kW, 3.0 mA) [10]. Applications References [1] Siham Ouardi, Gerhard H. Fecher, Claudia Felser, ‘Bulk electronic structure studied by hard X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy of the valence band: The case of intermetallic compounds,’ Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena, 190 (2013) 249–267. [2] Là ¡szlà ³ Kà ¶và ©r, ‘X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy using hard X-rays,’ Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena, 178–179 (2010) 241–257. [3] M. Taguchi, Y.Takata, A.Chainani, ‘Hard X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy: A few recent applications,’ Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena 190 (2013) 242–248. [4] P. Risterucci, O. Renault, E. Martinez, B. Detlefs, V. Delaye, J. 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